Gold card

The Gold Card is for those who love to dance! If you are taking more than one course this semester, the card will be an economical choice. With the Gold Card, you can participate in all of our regular courses throughout the entire semester without any extra charges.
Please note that festivals, social dances, dinners, and some special workshops organized in addition to the regular schedule are excluded from the card.
Youngsters up to 18år: 2390kr
Students with a valid student card: 2390kr
Others: 2590kr
If you are not already a member the annual membership fee of 100kr is added.
Partial payment:
You can split your payment into two parts. The 26th of this month you can pay half of the fee + a 50kr administration fee.
The 26th of the next month you can pay the remaining sum.
Sign up here for the Gold card (In Swedish "Terminskort") and you will recieve more information through email.